
On Heels of Trump’s Disastrous Helsinki Summit and His Hint of Handing over a Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Senator Murray Sounds the Alarm on This Dangerous Situation, Cosponsors Senate Resolution to Protect American Officials and Servicemembers

On Wednesday, Trump spokesperson Sarah Sanders declined to rule out the possibility that President Trump would make a former U.S. Ambassador, and other officials, available to President Putin for interrogation; and despite White House’s attempt to walk back statement today, Resolution is needed to protect American citizens 

Senator Murray: “First President Trump cozied up to a murderous authoritarian on the world stage, praising Russian President Putin while blaming America for the 2016 election interference. Then President Trump considered the possibility of handing over Americans who spent years serving their country. This is a dangerous situation that must be checked immediately”

Senate resolution makes clear the U.S. should refuse to make any current or former officials or servicemembers available to Russia

(Washington DC)  – Today, on the heels of the Trump Administration suggesting it was considering the possibility of allowing Russia to interrogate a former U.S. ambassador and other officials, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) cosponsored a Senate Resolution to express the sense of the Senate that the U.S. should refuse to do so. The former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, who is now a private citizen, served during the Obama administration and has been a frequent target of the Kremlin’s harassment and intimidation.  No legitimate evidence of wrongdoing has been presented by Russia regarding any of the individuals they have so far sought to interrogate.

(Read the text of S. Res. 584 AQUÍ).

“First President Trump cozied up to a murderous authoritarian on the world stage, praising Russian President Putin while blaming America for the 2016 election interference. Then President Trump considered the possibility of handing over Americans who spent years serving their country. Even such a vague threat is beyond the pale– an absolute betrayal of our country and our democracy. I urge every single Republican member of Congress to stand against President Trump before it’s too late. This is a dangerous situation that must be checked immediately.”
