State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Clallam County Veterans, Transportation Funding Included in Final Spending Bill

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) announced that funding she secured to create a new transitional housing facility for homeless veterans has been included in the final version of the Fiscal Year 2010 Consolidated Appropriations Act. The final version of the spending bill came out of a conference committee between the Senate and the House and is expected to pass both bodies shortly before being sent to the President for his signature.

The bill also included $550,000 for the Port Angeles Gateway International Multi-modal Transportation Center.

Sarge’s Place Veterans Housing Project, Forks: $487,000

This funding will provide for the purchase and remodeling of an existing two story apartment building in Forks, WA and convert it into a transitional and permanent supportive housing community for homeless veterans and their families.

“This is an important boost to Clallam County’s efforts to get homeless veterans into stable housing,” said Senator Patty Murray. “With new service members returning home every day and the economy sputtering, we must step up our efforts to provide all veterans with housing and the dignity that comes with it.”

Currently, no transitional or supportive housing units for veterans exist on the West End of Clallam County despite having the highest concentration of homeless veterans in the county.  This project would provide up to 10 construction jobs in this community, and would provide 12 homeless veterans a stable and secure location to live.

“Sarge’s Place is a transitional and permanent supportive housing project for Veterans in Forks, Washington.  We at Sarge’s believe that service to our country can cause wounds and suffering that last beyond the length of duty.  Our mission at Sarge’s Place is to heal the wounds, to restore dignity, hope and self-sufficiency to all Veterans in need, and to significantly reduce Veteran homelessness on the west end of Clallum and Jefferson Counties,” said Cheri Fleck, President of North Olympia Regional Housing Network.

Port Angeles Gateway International Multi-modal Transportation Center:  $550,000

This funding will complete the construction of a multi-modal transit facility in downtown Port Angeles, WA.

This transit center will accommodate local bus transit related to local and international ferry transit, providing safe access from downtown for pedestrians and bicyclists and increased economic investment in the Port Angeles community.
