State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Bipartisan Coalition of Senators Introduce Resolution Honoring International Women’s Day

In advance of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Senator Patty Murray joined a bipartisan coalition of Senators to introduce a resolution Thursday commemorating the 103rd International Women’s Day. The International Women’s Day Resolution was co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Mark Begich (D-AK), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Benjamin Cardin (D-MD), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Patty Murray (D-WA), Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Mark Udall (D-CO) and celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future while also recognizing the obstacles women continue to face in the struggle for equal rights and opportunities. 

“International Women’s Day is at its core a day to reflect on the achievements of women in politics, in business, and in society,” Senator Murray said.  “It is a day to think about what women’s role was in the not-so-distant past and to celebrate how far we have come. I am proud to join my colleagues in honoring this important day when women and men across the world celebrate and recommit to what more must be done.”

“International Women’s Day recognizes the important achievements women have made around the world and reiterates an ongoing commitment to supporting and inspiring women and girls everywhere,” Senator Shaheen said. “I am proud of the support behind the International Women’s Day resolution because it represents a core value we hold and obligation to improve the lives of all people and fight inequality wherever it exists.”

“Empowering women can lift the family out of poverty for generations to come,” Senator Kirk said. “When families are elevated, the community benefits, and we are all better off.  Today let’s recognize the contributions of the many who dedicate their lives to this mission every day.” 

“I’m pleased to join this bipartisan effort to honor International Women’s Day and recognize the immeasurable contributions women make around the world every day,” Senator Begich said. “As the son of a strong mother and a brother to three sisters, I know the important roles women play not only in our families, but also in the workforce, our economy, and as leaders in the community.  I will continue to fight every day in the Senate for equality and to make sure Alaska women and girls have the same opportunities to grow and contribute to the world as their male counterparts.”  

“The world needs a new generation of women, inspired by the monumental achievements of past generations to help us move forward. March 8th is a day for us to reflect on the important contributions women have made in every field, past present and future. International Women’s Day is also a time for us collectively take strides to break down barriers that stand in the way of women’s progress across wherever they may be,” Senator Cardin said. “I want my granddaughters to know that my colleagues and I are working daily to give them every opportunity to succeed by erasing gender inequality. 

“International Women’s Day reminds us to celebrate the contributions women make around the world and here at home,” Senator Mikulski said. “Every day, women fight to build stronger economies, improve conditions for families and communities, and inspire the next generation of young girls.  That’s why every day I fight to make sure that women are at the table and empowered to make a difference.”

“International Women’s Day is a day to reflect on the tremendous progress that has been made in the United States and around the world to promote women’s issues and their contributions to families and society,” Senator Murkowski said.  “But it is also an occasion to envision the strides we have yet to make, and recommit ourselves and our energy to continue elevating women to the heights they aspire to and deserve.”                                                                                                          

“Safeguarding women’s empowerment is critical to ensuring our prosperity, stability and future success as a nation,” Senator Mark Udall said. “In order for Colorado and our nation to thrive, women and men must be afforded the same opportunities. I am proud to lead the effort in the U.S. Senate to mark International Women’s Day, and I will keep fighting to confront gender inequality wherever it exists and to ensure all Coloradans have equal access to opportunity.”

The bipartisan International Women’s Day Resolution recognizes the United States’ continued commitment to pursue policies that guarantee the basic human rights of women and girls worldwide and end the discrimination and violence against women and girls. The resolution also recognizes the advancement of women as a foreign policy priority for the United States and that the ability of women to realize their full potential through education and economic empowerment is critical to a nation’s ability to achieve strong and lasting economic growth as well as political and social stability.

The International Women’s Day Resolution has been referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and is expected to be considered next week.

The full text of the resolution is available here
