State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Applauds Major Investment That Will Help Give Teachers the Resources They Need to Succeed

D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) applauded the announcement of a
major investment to improve education throughout Washington state by giving
educators the resources they need to use data to improve student outcomes.
Washington state will receive a grant of over $17 million to further develop
the state longitudinal data system (SLDS), funded through the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, which will be used to develop
data systems used to give educators insights into their teaching practices.
Senator Murray led the delegation in sending a letter to the Institute for
Educational Sciences in support of Washington state receiving this grant. The
grant will be put to work immediately to enhance the Washington State Education
Research and Data Center, a unique organization that was created to integrate
education and workforce data systems.

in Washington state are facing massive budget cuts that put pressure on
teachers to do more with less,”
Senator Murray.

“This system will serve as a tool for educators and policymakers to know what
is working in our schools and what can be done to better prepare our students
to succeed in long-term careers.” 

systems of this type can help teachers create a more effective learning
environment for students by identifying student achievement and the factors
that lead to student success. Additionally, the development of these systems
will allow for the integration of education and workforce data that can help
educators flag improvements that can be made in our schools and colleges to
better prepare our students for success in the workforce.
