State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Calling for Payments, Not Promises

for Payments, Not Promises

On Tuesday, I spoMurray 
			Calls on BP to Make Payments Not Promises ke on the floor to urge the Senate to move
forward with eliminating the liability cap on big oil companies for covering the cost of oil
spills. I also called on BP to put forward $20 billion to set up an immediate
fund for cleanup and damage compensation.

| Watch

Oil and Gas Industry Accountable for Worker Safety

On Thursday, I chaired a hearing of the Senate Employment and Workplace Safety
Subcommittee to investigate the failure of oil and gas companies to learn from
previous tragedies and implement effective worker safety processes. The hearing
came on the 11 year anniversary of the Bellingham
pipeline explosion
, and I discussed some of the lessons learned from
that tragedy as well as the tragic explosion at a Tesoro refinery in Anacortes
that killed 7 workers earlier this year.

I also invited executives from BP to attend the hearing,
however they indicated that they would be unable to send a workforce safety
representative. I find it outrageous that even after an accident that killed 11
workers, BP is still not putting a high enough priority on worker safety to
send a representative to a hearing specifically focused on protecting workers
in their industry. – Details

After multiple
disasters, Sen. Murray has strong words for oil industry

– The Skagit Valley Herald


Extension of Funding Fills Major Hole in State Budget and Saves 6,000 Jobs

On Tuesday, I supported the inclusion of a critical
investment that would help avoid a special session of the state legislature.
Filling this major hole in the state budget will save 6,000 jobs and support
families across the state who are reeling from job losses.

Gregoire warns:
6,000 job cuts without federal aid
” – The Olympian

Federal aid for
states included in bill before U.S. Senate
” – The Seattle Times


Law Enforcement in Yakima County

On Thursday, I sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder
urging the Department of Justice to place additional law enforcement resources
in Yakima County. I sent this letter after the brutal daylight execution of
18-year-old Daniel Rivera marked the ninth gang-related homicide in the City of
Yakima this year. I have long worked to provide Yakima County law enforcement
with the resources they need.  Last year, I secured $500,000 in federal
support for the Yakima County Gang Initiative which develops service programs
to address the most pressing needs and problems associated with gangs in Yakima
County. – Details

Murray asks
Justice Department for response on gang problems
” – Yakima Herald


Families in Their Homes

On Wednesday, I joined Senators Al Franken (D-MN) and Olympia
Snowe (R-ME) to introduce bipartisan legislation that would create an Office of
the Homeowner Advocate whose focus would be on assisting homeowners who believe
their mortgage servicer is breaking the rules. Currently, these families have
nowhere to turn when they are wrongly denied from assistance programs, or
encounter difficulties in navigating the already stressful system of avoiding
foreclosure. – Details


Cutting Down Red Tape for Seattle Central Community College

On Wednesday, I received a call from Education Secretary Arne
iThanking Senator Murray for Working to Restore TRIO Fundingnforming me that he would be reversing the Department of Education’s decision
to deny Seattle Central Community College’s (SCCC) application for TRIO funding
because of a technical error in their application. This call came after I
personally called Secretary Duncan and sent multiple letters with Senator Maria
Cantwell, asking that the Department of Education allow SCCC to compete for the
funds which they had received for over 30 years. TRIO funding provides critical
support services including counseling, tutoring, mentoring, and financial
guidance to low-income students.


US Senators help
Seattle college remove red tape
” – The Seattle Times


Honor our Fallen Soldiers with Proper Burials

On Monday, I sent a letter to express my dismay over the
mishandling of graves at Arlington National Cemetery. This letter follows an
investigation conducted by the Department of the Army inspector General that
found over 200 mismarked graves at the National Cemetery. My letter calls on
the National Cemetery to remedy their mistakes, and urges the Departments of
Defense and Veterans Affairs to closely examine their procedures and practices
to ensure these burials are always properly handled. – Details 

