State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray Announces $20 Million in Department of Energy Recovery Funding for Washington State Company

Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) announced that Bellevue, WA based Ramgen Power Systems will receive $20 million from the Department of Energy as part of an ongoing effort to develop technologies to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while creating new jobs.

“Investing in technologies that reduce industrial greenhouse emissions is good for the environment, and it will create jobs and boost the economy,” said Senator Patty Murray. “The technology that Ramgen Power Systems is developing will help factories and power plants across the country reduce their emissions, and I am pleased this funding will be used to further their work.”

The funding for Ramgen Power Systems will be used for technology development related to large-scale carbon capture and storage from industrial sources. The industrial sources include, but are not limited to, cement plants, chemical plants, refineries, steel and aluminum plants, manufacturing facilities, and petroleum coke-fired and other power plants. 

Ramgen Power Systems has been working with the Department of Energy on this project, and the additional funding will allow the industrial-sized scale-up and testing of an existing advanced CO2 compression project with the objective of reducing time to commercialization, technology risk, and cost. 

This funding is part of $2.4 billion from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that Secretary Chu announced today will be used to expand and accelerate the commercial deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

As a senior member of the Senate committee overseeing energy funding, Sen. Murray worked to ensure that investments in energy technology were included in the Recovery Act.  Senator Murray voted to pass the Recovery Act on February 13th. The bill was signed into law by President Obama on February 17th. 
