State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray, Pryor, University Officials Discuss Higher Education Bill

Washington, DC—U.S. Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Mark Pryor (D-AR) joined Washington State University President Elson S. Floyd and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Chancellor Lawrence A. Davis and on a conference call today to discuss the higher education bill Congress is sending President Bush.  The bill makes higher education affordable for more Americans by providing the largest increase in college aid to students since the G.I. bill.

“Without Pell Grants and student loans I never would have been able to attend college,” Murray said. “So I know what this bill will mean for the millions of students who rely on financial aid to realize their dreams. With college becoming more expensive and more students leaving school saddled with debt, the deck is already stacked against them. By increasing Pell grants, cutting interest rates, and putting students first, this bill will begin to turn the tide.”

“Washington State University is very pleased with the financial aid enhancements of the in The College Cost Reduction and Access Act,” President Floyd said.  “The leadership of Senator Murray has resulted in concerted steps that will help Washington students afford college, pursue their dreams and contribute to our country.”

Said Pryor: “Students should be challenged in the classroom, not in the financial aid office.  That’s why I am pleased by Congress’ new commitment to help students overcome tuition hurdles so they can receive a higher education and compete in today’s global economy.”

“The nation is headed for difficult days in the future because of its failure to educate the more socioeconomic-challenged minority,” Davis said. “Education is one of the few avenues to advancement for these groups.  The cost of education is being increased beyond their financial resources. It is a national catastrophe.”

Listen to segments of the conference call.
