State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

IMMIGRATION: Murray Statement on Key Immigration Reform Votes Today

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray issued the following statement after comprehensive immigration reform legislation cleared two major hurdles in the United States Senate, positioning the landmark legislation for Senate passage later this week:

“Today’s vote is an exciting moment, because we now have real, comprehensive immigration reform within our grasp in the United States Senate.

“Since this process began, my priority has been to help craft a bill that works for families, works for our economy, and provides a real path to citizenship.  This bill isn’t perfect, and there is more we can do to fix our system, but this is an important step toward sensible immigration laws.

“The momentum continues to grow for this bill because the American people support comprehensive immigration reform and want their elected officials to act. I am going to keep fighting for legislation that works for families and communities until this bill passes the Senate, the House of Representatives feels the pressure to act, and we send the President a strong, fair, comprehensive immigration reform bill for his signature.

“This bill moves our immigration laws in the right direction.  And, once this bill becomes law, I will work closely with the Department of Homeland Security to put strict oversight in place to protect the civil liberties of families and communities near the border.” 
