State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray on President Trump’s Latest Budget: Good for the Wealthy, Terrible for Students, Workers, Women, and the Middle Class

Senator Murray says latest Trump proposal is “an absolute non-starter” 

On child care: “I appreciate that this budget pays lip service to child care, but the one-time proposal it includes wouldn’t truly address the long-term child care crisis facing families in America—and policies in this budget would actually make this crisis worse” 

On the border wall: “President Trump clearly didn’t learn any lesson from his failure earlier this year and is once again trying to force American taxpayers to foot the bill that he promised Mexico would pay” 

Washington, D.C. —Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the statement below following the release of President Trump’s Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Request.

“President Trump can keep trying to pretend that he is helping workers and the middle class, but the numbers in this latest budget request don’t lie and they tell a very different story. If you are a student, a worker, a woman, a senior, or anyone who cares about an economy that works for all families, and not just the wealthiest few—this budget request is another direct attack by President Trump on your opportunities, your livelihoods, and your futures.

“This latest budget from President Trump continues his massive tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations, and proposes that middle class families pay the price with massive cuts to education, health care, worker security, environmental protections, and infrastructure. This budget, once again, proposes to jam Trumpcare through Congress, ripping protections away from hundreds of millions of people with pre-existing conditions. I appreciate that this budget pays lip service to child care, but the one-time proposal it includes wouldn’t truly address the long-term child care crisis facing families in America—and policies in this budget would actually make this crisis worse.

“I plan to stand with the Democrats and Republicans who have rejected President Trump’s budgets each time he has sent them to us and let him know that once again his budget is dead on arrival. And I hope that Republicans in Congress are once again willing to work with Democrats on budget and spending bills that invest in students, workers, families, and middle class priorities—and that President Trump has the sense this time to stand aside and not shut down the government when he doesn’t get his way. 

“Unfortunately, his latest budget would move us in the wrong direction, matching unrealistic and devastating cuts to domestic priorities with a shameless gimmick that is the absolute wrong way to fund defense, all while repeating the same mistake that led to his recent, disastrous shutdown of the government. Despite hearing clearly from Congress and people across the country that we reject wasteful spending on the border wall, President Trump clearly didn’t learn any lesson from his failure earlier this year and is once again trying to force American taxpayers to foot the bill that he promised Mexico would pay. This is an absolute non-starter and, though today’s dead-on-arrival proposal was not a good sign, I hope President Trump realizes that before he tries to shut our government down again and hurts more families and communities.”
