State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Senator Murray: It Is Appalling That Secretary DeVos Believes Defrauded Students Only Deserve Some of Their Money Back

(Washington, D.C.) –Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), top Democrat on the Senate education committee, released the following statement on reports that Secretary DeVos is considering providing partial relief who were defrauded by predatory for-profit colleges, including Corinthian Colleges. Under the “borrower defense” rule, students who were cheated out of their education and savings are entitled to a full discharge, and in some cases, a refund of their loans.

“Far too many students were cheated out of their education and savings by predatory for-profit colleges and are still stuck paying back their loans. So it is appalling that Secretary DeVos believes that former Corinthian College students and other defrauded borrowers who were lied to only deserve some of their money back when they were misled and taken advantage of by deceptive corporations. Secretary DeVos needs to stop listening to the corporate executives she’s hired at the Department of Education, and instead do the right thing and start helping the defrauded students who are desperately seeking her help.”
