State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

With Affordable Health Care and More at Stake for Washington State Families and Communities, Senator Murray Announces Strong Opposition to Trump Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Urges American People to Speak out Against Rushed Process to Fill Justice Ginsburg’s Seat

Senator Murray: “A vote to confirm any person [President Trump] nominates to the Supreme Court is a vote to take away people’s health care and deny them vital rights in the middle of a pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than 200,000 and counting”

Alliance for Justice: “Amy Coney Barrett fought to undermine health care for millions in her attack on the Affordable Care Act, and publicly criticized Chief Justice John Roberts for his decision to uphold the law” – MORE HERE

Senator Murray:  “I oppose this nomination in the strongest terms, just like I’ve opposed this President’s other nominees who he undoubtedly picked to push the Supreme Court to finally overturn Roe v. Wade, dismantle affordable health care and eliminate pre-existing conditions protections”

Senator Murray:  “I’m going to do all I can to fulfill Justice Ginsburg’s last wish, and I call on people in Washington state and across the country: raise your voice against this nomination so powerfully that President Trump and his party will have no choice but to listen”


ICYMI—WATCH: Senator Murray on SCOTUS: Republicans Must Let Next President Fill Vacancy, Health Care and Workers’ Rights “Hang in the Balance” – VIDEO HERE

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Assistant Democratic Leader and top Democrat on the Senate health committee, issued the following statement upon President Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court seat recently left vacant after the death of Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“President Trump has told us repeatedly what he wants in a justice: a jurist who above anything else is committed to gutting health care through the courts and ending safe, legal abortion in the United States of America.

“Make no mistake, a vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee who meets President Trump’s tests is a vote to take away people’s health care and vital rights. I oppose this nomination in the strongest terms, just like I’ve opposed other nominees this President has selected with the goals of pushing the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, dismantle affordable health care, and eliminate pre-existing conditions protections, and rolling back hard-fought rights that have made our country more just and equal. 

“It is already clear the American people see straight through President Trump and Senate Republicans’ brazenly hypocritical rush to fill this seat as people are already casting their ballots in an election that is just 38 days away—even as they refuse to work on serious relief for families and communities struggling in a pandemic that has cost more than 200,000 American lives and shuttered our economy.

“I’m going to do all I can to fulfill Justice Ginsburg’s last wish, and I call on people in Washington state and across the country: raise your voice against this nomination so powerfully that President Trump and his party will have no choice but to listen.”
