State of the Union Address by President Donald J. Trump February 5th, 2019

Murray Applauds Washington’s Selection to Build the 7E7 Dreamliner

(SEATTLE, WA) – Today U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) applauded the Boeing Company’s announcement that the new 7E7 Dreamliner will be built in Everett, Washington. The announcement means jobs for Washington’s workers both at Boeing and at hundreds of suppliers throughout the region. The announcement was made in Seattle on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ historic first flight.

“One hundred years ago this week, the Wright brothers launched the Age of Flight. Today we proved that Washington has the Right Stuff to lead the next century of aviation,” Murray said.

“The lesson from the Boeing headquarters move was that you can get angry or you can get organized. Together we got organized, and we won,” Murray said.

“The best apples, software and coffee all say ‘Made in Washington.’ Now the best new airplane will too,” Murray said.

Murray’s recent advocacy for Boeing workers includes: bringing Spokane leaders and Boeing executives together for the sale of the Boeing Spokane plant in 2002, writing the legislation that extended U.I. benefits to laid-off aviation workers in April, and working as the chief Senate architect of the Air Force’s 767 tanker program.

For the 7E7 selection, Murray flew to Chicago to meet with Boeing CEO Phil Condit on June 16th, met with Everett’s proposal team on August 15th, and worked with local leaders, the labor community, Governor Locke and others.

‘This Means Jobs’ for Washington

“Our aviation sector has been battered, but today it got a shot in the arm. This means jobs for Boeing workers and for the thousands of families who support the aviation industry in our state,” Murray said. “After the hard times our state has been through, this is a tremendous confidence boost and a source of pride for our entire state.”

‘Vote of Confidence’ for Washington’s Workforce

“This is a commitment to Boeing’s future in our state and a vote of confidence in our workforce. Washington state’s Boeing workers are the best, most-skilled workers in the aerospace business,” Murray said.

A Statewide Effort

“Landing the 7E7 was the result of a concerted effort by so many people in labor, business, and government. We can be proud of the effort our state put forward. I want to thank Harry Stonecipher, Alan Mulally, Governor Locke, the Machinists, SPEEA, and everyone who came together to make this happen,” Murray said.
